One Week Ago
By Stacey Riedmiller
One week ago, my teacher heart changed.
One week ago, I felt the excitement of Christmas morning.
One week ago, my phone had a constant buzz with Voxer excitement from book friends.
One week ago, nothing else mattered but our love for books we have shared.
One week ago, something crept in and pushed itself up against the walls and made my heart bigger.
One week ago, I watched a child who hated reading jump from his seat with excitement for books.
One week ago, a reader interrupted my Principal to say we were going to miss the Awards.
One week ago, our reading community was materialized.
One week ago, I felt electricity move through my body as my readers championed books.
One week ago, a book that we had all shared won the Newbery Medal.
One week ago, a book that we had all shared won the Caldecott Medal.
One week ago, in our tiny Ohio classroom, we were a part of a bigger reading community.
One week ago, we all belonged somewhere, and that somewhere was together in our classroom, reading books.

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