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Thursday, July 2, 2015

#wecantputbooksdown READ, WHITE & BLUE!

We are back again for some July #wecantputbooksdown fun! Make sure to follow all of us on Instagram for the chance to win a $25 gift card to Barnes & Noble. It's the perfect chance to pick up a holiday weekend read, summer read, daily read, whatever!!

My favorite read of the summer so far just so happens to be one that I will share with my students AS SOON AS WE GET BACK in August. Anyone who has a heart and a sense of adventure will devour this book. I read it quickly and it was my first #bookaday of the summer!
Circus Mirandus by Cassie Beasley. 

I don't mean to keep comparing this book to the movie, Big Fish, but it kind of keeps happening. All of the magic and hope I felt while experiencing that movie is how I felt reading this one. Cassie does such an amazing job at developing the setting and characters in this book that I just felt like
 I was there, experiencing it myself. The unlikely friendship that develops, the pain and grief that our main character goes through, those light up candies from the Circus? All feel so real. The light up candies really stuck out to me... Like, I want to know where to get one. It has reached Everlasting Gobstopper from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and Whipped Neon Cream from Hook Status for me... I'm on the hunt. I can just see it glowing through my stuffed cheeks now! 

This Fantasy story has everything needed to become one that kids of all ages will love. A classic. The way Beasley weaves in and out of Grandpa's stories is just magical. Roald Dahl is my all-time favorite author, and she makes me feel RDish when I read this book. Make sure to pick this one up ASAP. And as Beasley reminded us this week, a book is for anyone who wants to read it.

Join us over on Instagram and tell us about a summer must read for a chance to win a gift card & connect with other teachers while finding great new books!

1 comment:

  1. Hi! I am trying to figure out what I want to use for Vocab/Word Study. What do you use in your classroom? Love the posts as usual! Thanks, Lauren.


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