Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Teacher Tips: EOY Planning

As I close out my third year teaching I'm starting to finally feel like I'm not trying to stay afloat anymore. This is possibly the last year I will be a floating teacher and I get to stay in the same classroom. I have started to develop little systems that work for me in the classroom. Here are a few things I'll be doing this year (this week) to get ready for Back to School in August!

Setting up my bulletin boards
Creative Teaching Press has a lot really cute Back to School stuff! When I saw the light bulb borders, I knew I had to have them. They just remind me of Genius Hour!! Awesome! I layered the border on two of my boards and finished them today. I plan on trying to finish up the other board before the end of the week. 

Setting up a First Week Box!
I did NOT come up with this idea. I saw it floating around and decided I was going to make it happen this year. What's in the box so far? Our Spelling Morphology Dictionaries, Vocabulary 4 Square Notebooks and Back to School Brochures. Here are some more things I plan on adding: Learning Inventory Surveys & Trackers, Reading Notebook Items and Student Name Tags! I'm hoping to coax my secretary into seeing my class list early. :)

What do you do ahead of time to get set up for a new school year? 

Also, be sure to check me out over at Ramona Recommends tomorrow where I'll be guest posting about Summer Read Alouds!

1 comment:

  1. How many pages did you print for each notebook for your vocabulary?


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