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Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Storyworks in Our Classroom: Online Resources

Welcome to the first post in a three post series on Storyworks in Our Classroom!
 This first post is all about the online resources Storyworks has to offer and how we use them in our fourth grade classroom. This is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to resources on the website. These are just some of our favorites!

If you have been looking for a way to supplement your curriculum, add to your Intervention/Enrichment tools, and include more Nonfiction in your room, I would highly recommend thinking about a subscription to Storyworks.
(I am not affiliated with Scholastic. I just love this resource & think
more people should know about it!)

What are your favorite online Storyworks resources? Is there something awesome on the site that I am missing? Let me know in the comments! Be sure to check back for the second post which will be on how I use Storyworks for our Intervention & Enrichment period.